$5 Instead of 50 Shades

This coming weekend, the poorly-written, abuse-romanticizing piece of crap known as 50 Shades of Grey is making it's big screen debut. While it's too late to stop the movie from being made (or the book from being written), we can all do our part to show Hollywood that this is not the kind of relationship we want to see being sold as "true love" by not going to see the movie. 

Instead of supporting 50 Shades, take some of the money that you might have put towards a night out at the movies and support women in need by donating to the 1D Fans Give "Girl Almighty" Charity Drive. We're making every day this week a $5 day, in the hopes that people choose to support an organization that helps women, instead of a movie that's trying to teach them that abuse is sexy.

To donate: http://www.justgiving.com/girlalmighty