Reminder: fundraiser in honur of International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia
/RainbowDirection/TakeMeHomeFromNarnia have once again partnered with 1DFansGive to host a fundraiser in honour of International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia - IDAHOT Day on May 17th. In the spirit of this year's IDAHOT theme "Take Action for Youth", we selected an organization that has strong international links, works on LGBTQ+ youth issues in Africa--a majorly underserved area--and is yet small enough for our donations to make a real difference: the Rainbow International LGBT Activist Solidarity Fund.
How to get involved:
2. Deck yourself out in gear from our Design Shops:
3. Submit a design for the shops. (Can either be limited availability until Mar 17th, or a permanent offering; the choice is yours!)
Please keep in mind that we operate on a strict No-Shipping policy, so we cannot accept ship-related designs.
In order to have a digital image printed successfully on a product, your design must:
be saved as .png, .jpg, .bmp, or .gif
be at least 200 dpi
not be larger than 4000 x 4000 pixels
not be larger than 10 MB
You can also submit vector art, which will print on a greater range of products than digital art. Vecor art designs must:
be saved as .svg, .ai, .eps or .cdr
not be larger than 11″ x 11″ (28x28cm)
not have more than 3 colours, no gradients and no pixel graphics
have lines that are at least 1.5mm thick and no less than 1mm space between two lines
have all objects converted to curves and paths (including text)
Please submit your designs by either:
Clicking the “Submit a Post” button on our Tumblr; or
Emailing us at with the subject “Charity Design Submission”