1D Fans Give Call to Artists!

Attention lovely, talented people of the One Direction fandom! As you may know, fans have come together to help celebrate the band’s birthdays by fundraising for charity. This winter we were able to raise over $53,000 for Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice, The British Asian Trust and London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard in part due to generous fans such as yourselves. We have now set up the drives for the next year: Doctors Without Borders (Liam), Autism Assistance Dogs Ireland (Niall), Eden Dora Trust (Louis), The British Asian Trust (Zayn) and London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard (Harry-link coming soon!). In celebration of 1D’s 5th anniversary on July 23, we have also put together a charity drive, entitled Girl Almighty, for Women’s Aid. Women’s Aid is a charity that helps women and children by working to end domestic abuse.

How can you help?

  1. Donate a design for one or more of the charity drives to use on merchandise.
  2. Donate a raffle/auction item for one or more of the charity drives. For example, an artist could donate a mug with one of their designs on it. Or offer a commissioned piece (artist to set rules). Or knit/create a unique item (1D themed items go better) such as the scarves and hats that fuzzypurplescarf has donated in past years.
  3. Have one item where all or a portion of the proceeds go towards one or more of the charity drives. For example, cyrilliart donated a portion of her proceeds for each “Where’s Zayn” calendar sold last year.
  4. For artists with stores, set a time frame where a percentage or a set dollar amount of each item sold will go towards one or more of the charity drives.

Since its One Direction’s 5th anniversary this year, we are also looking to create a one of a kind art portfolio to celebrate the artists in this fandom! But because we want these charity drives to be a fandom effort, we are looking for your input (both artists and non!). In short, this art portfolio will be made up of unique pieces from 1D artists in celebration of 1D! We will be selling a limited number of these art portfolios (hard copies mailed to you!) and all proceeds will be split amongst the 6 charity drives.

Whether or not you are an artist, please complete the following survey to help us decide on the details for this special venture:


If you are interested in participating in or have any questions about any of the above ideas (#1-4 and/or art portfolio) please contactcreatedoutofnecessity (tumblr or at outofnecessitycreated@gmail.com).

All artists will be included on 1DFansGive’s “Special Thanks” page with links to artists’ pages and stores.

Tumblr post: http://yngvolkayno.tumblr.com/post/110899168747/attention-lovely-talented-people-of-the-one