Current Charity Drive Info!

Here's our latest charity drives!

Merch Links:

Wristbands/Bracelets/Hair Ties:

Shirts & Other gear:

For Stand Up To Cancer - In memory of Robin Twist:

For Bloodwise - In memory of Jay:

(proceeds from JHO bracelets go to this drive)


For Switchboard - Our General LGBTQ+ Drive:

(proceeds from the new Red Bubble rainbow and bears designs go here)


For Trevor Project - Another LGBTQ+ Drive:

(Proceeds from the F Unicorn Gear go here)


Liam's Birthday Drive for The Way Youth Zone

Niall's Birthday Drive for Rays of Sunshine

Louis' Birthday Drive for Eden Dora Trust

(proceeds from Queen Bee & FAM merch goes here)

Harry's Birthday Drive for Drop4Drop:

I Study Rainbows Pre-Sale & Sale on Other Items!

Harry wearing our ISR bracelet!

Harry wearing our ISR bracelet!

The ISR bracelets should be arriving next week so we’re putting them up for pre-sale now! They are $7 each. The All the Love hair ties are also still $7. We have also done discounts on some of the older bracelets:

All silicone bracelets are now $1 except the Strong ones (those are still $5)

All other fabric ones are $5 (Given a Chance, Always in My Heart, Mermaid), Rainbow Curls All the Love bracelet, and Heart of Gold Hair ties)

800 I Study Rainbows Wristbands Sold, Only 200 Left in This Preorder

We've sold 800 wristbands in just 5 days and we only have 200 left in this preorder! If you want to get in on this batch, order now! 

When we get the wristbands in around Sept. 14th, we'll be shipping them out on a first ordered, first out basis, but we're working hard to get everything ready so we can get them out as quickly as possible to everybody once they get here.

This is us trying to keep up with the orders:

To get one (or anything from the store):

500 I Study Rainbows Wristbands Sold in 48 Hours!

We sold out of our pre-ordered I Study Rainbows wristbands in 48 hours! But, don't worry! We are keeping the stores open for orders and will order enough to meet the demand! The response has been so incredible!

If you just want an I Study Rainbows wristband, order through the Paypal store - the shipping will be much cheaper because we're sorted it by location and quantity. If you want to order a wristband AND other stuff from the 1D Fans Give store, use the regular store "Add to Cart" feature so you can checkout all your items at once. Click here to go to the store.

And if you want to try to win a wristband, follow 1D Fans Give on twitter and retweet this tweet. 3 winners will be chosen at random on Wednesday Sept. 2.

Two Ways to Get I Study Rainbows Bracelet

We wanted to make it as affordable as possible to get the bracelets so we've made a PayPal store where shipping is based on quantity and location. It's the cheapest way to get a bracelet if you JUST want a wristband!

But we realize some people want to buy a bunch of other items from the store, so you can still order them from the regular store by adding it to your cart from the Regular Store "Add to Cart" feature. DO NOT use this if you are just getting the I Study Rainbows bracelet - shipping is more expensive (flat rate $3 US and $7.50 International)! (Anyone who ordered before we made the PayPal store will receive an extra surprise to make up for paying a bit more in shipping!). So in summary:

  1. Use the PayPal Store if you are JUST getting the I Study Rainbows bracelet - shipping will be cheaper because they are so thin and light!
  2. If you want to buy other items from the store AND I Study Rainbows bracelet(s), use the 1D Fans Give Regular Store so you can add it all to your cart and do one order with everything!  

You can access both of these places from the Store

This is a long shot! Please read!

Me if I got to meet 1D the day before my bday! 

Me if I got to meet 1D the day before my bday! 

So, Lynn (ellemem) is bidding on the San Diego Meet and Greet for 3 people being auctioned off by Eden Dora. The goal (if won) was to have Lynn (Project No Control), Kat/Edwin or Malin (TMHFN/Rainbow Direction), and myself (1D Fans Give) as the 3 people to attend the meet and greet to have representation from the big fan efforts that have made a difference to 1D/Fandom. 

However, bidding is already up to $4500+ and will probably go too high for us to manage by Sunday. This is completely a long shot and please don’t feel pressure to donate, but if people threw in a buck or two, we might be able to win this thing! 

If we don’t win, I will donate any money raised to Louis’ bday drive for Eden Dora so Eden Dora wins either way (I will also offer refunds to people if they would prefer that). 

If we did by some chance win, any money over the amount of the winning bid will be donated to Eden Dora for Louis’ drive. The auction ends Sunday night so we need to raise as much as we can between now and Sunday morning so we know how high we can bid.

The meet and greet is the day before my birthday so I’m secretly rooting for this to work - meeting Louis (and all the guys) would be a great bday present! 

Again, I want to stress -please don’t feel pressure to donate! This is a complete long shot and if this all worked out, it would be some sort of miracle, but it’s too good of a chance to pass up. It’s another one of my harebrained ideas so worst case, we raise some money for Eden Dora!  

Here’s the link should you wish to donate:

Lucky Shot Bear inspired by One Direction's Niall Horan

This is the Lucky Shot Niall Bear! He's a custom bear that we're auctioning off to raise money for Autism Assistance Dogs Ireland for Niall Horan's 22nd birthday. All proceeds from the bear will go towards our charity drive! His body is a retired Build A Bear Lucky Fur You bear. The bear's outfit includes a black polo shirt, black pants, a red sweater vest, a cap, black canvas high tops, and sunglasses. He also comes with his very own smartphone (not a real one, duh; it does have sound when you push the buttons, however,) to take as many selfies as his famous idol. He also comes with a golf bag with three actual golf clubs and a ball and a doll stand to display him! Happy Bidding!

Reminder for UK Donors to do Gift Aid for Donations


Just wanted to remind the UK donors to make sure you are claiming Gift Aid where eligible. Gift Aid allows UK charities to claim back the basic rate tax already paid on donations by the donor. When a UK taxpayer gives a gift of money to a charity, tax has already been paid on that money. Because charities are exempt from tax, Just Giving can claim this money back from HM Revenue & Customs (HMRC) and give it to the charity.

When you donate, you will be asked to confirm whether or not you are a UK taxpayer. Just Giving will also ask questions to determine if your donation is eligible for Gift Aid. Make sure you say:

  • NO to donating on behalf of someone else or a group of people
  • NO to donating on behalf of a company
  • NO to donating to a family member or friend doing an event where the charity is contributing to their costs
  • NO to donating in return for goods, rights or services

(Obviously, if any of these situations apply to you, you'd say yes, but for most of the people donating to these charity drives, these situations will not apply.)

Answering these correctly will ensure the charity gets more of the donation!

Petrina from the Eden Dora Trust also wanted to pass on how amazing she thinks we all are!

New OT5 Loose Change Drawing by Cyrilliart to Benefit All the Charity Drives

I've added a new design from Cyrilliart to each of the guy's stores. The design is based on our Loose Change efforts and it's adorable! The design is up in each store, so you can pick which guy/charity you want to support by buying it from the store of your choice! It's currently on t-shirts, but if you want it on another product, contact me at and tell me what item you want it on and which guy's store!

Shirts to Commemorate Louis' Always in My Heart Tweet Reaching 1 Million Retweets

Louis' Always in my heart tweet reached 1 million retweets today and to commemorate the moment, we've got several items up in the store and one more on the way. Proceeds of the current designs will benefit Louis' charity drive and the design on the way will benefit Harry's drive. You can get the design above at:

$5 Day for Eden Dora Trust's Birthday!

The Eden Dora Trust for Children with Encephalitis was launched on the first World Encephalitis Day, February 22, 2014.  In honor of the first birthday of the trust we are doing a $5 day to raise money for the trust to celebrate Louis Tomlinson’s 24th birthday later this year.

Additionally, the first Loose Change for Louis matching day is fast approaching, so donate here before February 24th and be sure to tag your donation with the words “loose change”.

Donations to the trust go to fund research, education, information and support. According to their official website it costs just £30 to provide a child with Gilley the Giraffe Materials for a child with Encephalitis.  That’s just a little over 9 $5 donations so if you want to help out, donate here:

Donation Link:


What's Coming Up with the Charity Drives?

We have a bunch of activities planned for each of the charity drives! 


  • On February 22nd, we'll be doing a $5 day in honor of Eden Dora Trust's birthday! We've also got some items from Eden Dora Trust that we'll be both selling and auctioning off! 
  • Louis' newest wristbands have been ordered and will be up in the store as soon as they get here. They are teal and say #bravery on them!
  • I got my first Hedgehog Louis, but OMG he's going to be hard to dress. He has little arms and a big ole booty so we'll see what we can do! I already have the first outfit mostly planned! 


  • We have some March madness raffles coming up - still being planned!


  • Liam's drive is going to have an auction of a special limited edition item soon (Layne just sent it to me so I think it should arrive tomorrow). 


  • Zayn's team are planning festival bracelets, most likely in Rasta colors to match Zayn's in-ears! 

Girl Almighty:

  • The $5 instead of 50 Shades brought in some donations for Women's Aid so that's awesome! 


  • We've added a couple of new tshirt designs. Look how great the rainbow banana shirt turned out:

The best news for the Harry Team was that LLGS has decided to joint Just Giving! This means we will be able to offer you a donation link that's user-friendly and tracks percent donated! The total will also be displayed in US Dollars, which will make my life easier (if I never have to convert pounds to dollars again, I'll be a happy girl)!

So, that's a quick update for now!

Long Hair Don't Care Design Added to Harry's Charity Stores

We've just added a great design by Menu-tessu to Harry's charity drive stores. It's a galaxy-colored silhouette with the words "Long Hair Don't Care" written on it! Proceeds from Harry's charity store go to London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard. You can get your hands on gear with this design at:

1D Fans Give Charity Store Relaunch!

Now that I'm properly settled in here, I've moved the charity wristband store from Rainbow Scoop to this site. I've also put all of the older items on closeout - only $2! I'm making room for the new items that will be arriving for the upcoming charity drives! Click the Store link above or go to!

1D Fans Give Loose Change Program for the Charity Drives

Attention One Direction fans! The Loose Change program to help raise money for 1dfansgive is starting early this year.  For those of you unfamiliar with the program, several donors have agreed to match donations to the boys’ charities that are marked with “loose change” up to $100 a month per donor.  In some cases that could mean an additional $500 per drive each month!  Depending on the day of your favorite’s birthday, the matching program will start in either February or March and continue each month until their birthday month.  (See matching dates below) Additionally, we have picked up a matcher for the Girl Almighty Campaign at well.

So, empty out your pockets, backpacks, change purses and couch cushions because every little bit helps and be sure to tag your donation with “loose change” in order to get the match.

Matching Dates:*
Louis 2/24, 3/24, 4/24, 5/25, 6/26, 7/24, 8/24, 9/24, 10/24, 11/24, 12/24
Liam 2/28, 3/29, 4/29, 5/29, 6/29, 7/29, 8/29
Girl Almighty 2/23, 3/23, 4/23, 5/23, 6/23, 7/23
Harry 4/1, 5/1, 6/1, 7/1, 8/1, 9/1, 10/1, 11/1, 12/1, 1/1, 2/1
Zayn 3/13, 4/12, 5/12, 6/12, 7/12, 8/12, 9/12, 10/12, 11/12, 12/12, 1/12, 2/12
Niall 3/13, 4/13, 5/13, 6/13, 7/13, 8/13, 9/13

*matching dates that start in March will include all “loose change” donations made in February as well.

Donation Links: 
Harry’s link coming soon!

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1D Fans Give Call to Artists!

Attention lovely, talented people of the One Direction fandom! As you may know, fans have come together to help celebrate the band’s birthdays by fundraising for charity. This winter we were able to raise over $53,000 for Bluebell Wood Children’s Hospice, The British Asian Trust and London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard in part due to generous fans such as yourselves. We have now set up the drives for the next year: Doctors Without Borders (Liam), Autism Assistance Dogs Ireland (Niall), Eden Dora Trust (Louis), The British Asian Trust (Zayn) and London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard (Harry-link coming soon!). In celebration of 1D’s 5th anniversary on July 23, we have also put together a charity drive, entitled Girl Almighty, for Women’s Aid. Women’s Aid is a charity that helps women and children by working to end domestic abuse.

How can you help?

  1. Donate a design for one or more of the charity drives to use on merchandise.
  2. Donate a raffle/auction item for one or more of the charity drives. For example, an artist could donate a mug with one of their designs on it. Or offer a commissioned piece (artist to set rules). Or knit/create a unique item (1D themed items go better) such as the scarves and hats that fuzzypurplescarf has donated in past years.
  3. Have one item where all or a portion of the proceeds go towards one or more of the charity drives. For example, cyrilliart donated a portion of her proceeds for each “Where’s Zayn” calendar sold last year.
  4. For artists with stores, set a time frame where a percentage or a set dollar amount of each item sold will go towards one or more of the charity drives.

Since its One Direction’s 5th anniversary this year, we are also looking to create a one of a kind art portfolio to celebrate the artists in this fandom! But because we want these charity drives to be a fandom effort, we are looking for your input (both artists and non!). In short, this art portfolio will be made up of unique pieces from 1D artists in celebration of 1D! We will be selling a limited number of these art portfolios (hard copies mailed to you!) and all proceeds will be split amongst the 6 charity drives.

Whether or not you are an artist, please complete the following survey to help us decide on the details for this special venture:

If you are interested in participating in or have any questions about any of the above ideas (#1-4 and/or art portfolio) please contactcreatedoutofnecessity (tumblr or at

All artists will be included on 1DFansGive’s “Special Thanks” page with links to artists’ pages and stores.

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