Weekly Charity Update for 6/26/15

A photo posted by @harrystyles on

The big news of the day was the same sex marriage ruling in the US, which makes same sex marriage legal in all 50 states! We did a special drive today for Switchboard in honor of Harry Styles' bday to celebrate the ruling and we raised several hundred dollars!

Here's the weekly charity update for 6/26/15. Make sure to write “Loose change for [name] in the donation message to get it matched!!!

girl almightyhttp://www.justgiving.com/girlalmighty

19% to goal: $969


16% to goal: $1,611


51% to goal: $5,188


9% to goal: $2,187


7% to goal: $1,634


36% to goal: $3,627

Another Sneak Peek of the 1D Fan Art Book and the Free Gifts!

Here's another sneak peek of the From Stairs to Stadiums art book! They'll start shipping out in July! We still have copies of both hard and soft covers!

More information: http://1dfansgiveart.tumblr.com/post/121708429490/hey-hey-hey-its-the-moment-we-have-all-been 

To order your copy of this limited edition book of fan art: http://www.1dfansgive.com/1d-art-book/

Every 1D art book, From Stairs to Stadiums, order will include 2 free stickers designed by cyrilliart

Girl Almighty Dolls On Sale - One of a Kind!

These one of a kind, handmade (by the Traveler) dolls benefit our Girl Almighty Drive for Women's Aid. There's only 1 of each so get your fave fast! Mee and Buns have already sold out (dolls not shown)! You can get them in the store:


1D Fan Art Book - From Stairs to Stadiums - Available Now!

Pre-orders now open! Books will start shipping July 1!

This collection of art, was specially created this year to commemorate the last 5 years of One Direction, by the talented artists of the 1D fandom. All proceeds will benefit the charity drives run by 1D Fans Give for each of the guys' birthdays. These books are a limited special edition and only a limited number of them have been produced! All artwork has been specially created for this project and is not available anywhere else! Createdoutofnecessity personally fronted the money to buy these books so after what it cost to get the books produced, $12 will be split evenly between this year’s 1D Fans Give charity drives for each book purchased.

For more info and to order, click here!

This is a long shot! Please read!

Me if I got to meet 1D the day before my bday! 

Me if I got to meet 1D the day before my bday! 

So, Lynn (ellemem) is bidding on the San Diego Meet and Greet for 3 people being auctioned off by Eden Dora. The goal (if won) was to have Lynn (Project No Control), Kat/Edwin or Malin (TMHFN/Rainbow Direction), and myself (1D Fans Give) as the 3 people to attend the meet and greet to have representation from the big fan efforts that have made a difference to 1D/Fandom. 

However, bidding is already up to $4500+ and will probably go too high for us to manage by Sunday. This is completely a long shot and please don’t feel pressure to donate, but if people threw in a buck or two, we might be able to win this thing! 

If we don’t win, I will donate any money raised to Louis’ bday drive for Eden Dora so Eden Dora wins either way (I will also offer refunds to people if they would prefer that). 

If we did by some chance win, any money over the amount of the winning bid will be donated to Eden Dora for Louis’ drive. The auction ends Sunday night so we need to raise as much as we can between now and Sunday morning so we know how high we can bid.

The meet and greet is the day before my birthday so I’m secretly rooting for this to work - meeting Louis (and all the guys) would be a great bday present! 

Again, I want to stress -please don’t feel pressure to donate! This is a complete long shot and if this all worked out, it would be some sort of miracle, but it’s too good of a chance to pass up. It’s another one of my harebrained ideas so worst case, we raise some money for Eden Dora!  

Here’s the link should you wish to donate:

Finally - Harry's 22nd Birthday Charity Drive for Switchboard Donation Link is Up!

I'm so happy to announce we finally have the donation link for Harry's birthday charity drive for Switchboard up! I want to thank London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard (LLGS) for agreeing to apply to Just Giving so we could set up a page there. Our donors have found it easy to use so I'm so excited that we can do Harry's drive through there now. We'll also be doing auctions and of course we've got the I Study Rainbows wristbands for sale! Here it is! Go donate!


Project No Control Reminders!

We have picked Sunday as a day to promote No Control, off the album Four by One Direction.  Please request/buy/promote the song on 17 May 2015. Make a manip and share it.  Play the song for your friends.  Call your local (or satellite) radio station and request the song.  Lets show everyone what having control is actually about!

Join the thunderclap: https://www.thunderclap.it/projects/26344-project-no-control

SUPPORTERS: 21,338 of 500 (4267% of goal supported)

SOCIAL REACH: 35,694,727 People

TIME LEFT: 3 days

Follow on twitter: @1d_street_team

Follow on tumblr: http://1dstreetteam.tumblr.com

Liam Batman Bear inspired by One Direction's Liam Payne Up for Auction

This is the Liam Batman Bear! He's a custom bear that we're auctioning off to raise money for Doctors without Borders for Liam Payne's 22nd birthday. All proceeds from the bear will go towards our charity drive! His body is a Build A Bear Batman bear. The bear's outfit includes a jeans, Timberland style boots, a red plaid shirt, a leather jacket, and a black bandana! Happy Bidding! 


"I Study Rainbows" Festival-Style Wristbands Available for Pre-Order

These are woven, rainbow-colored, festival-style bracelets with a non-locking closure. The bracelets say "I Study Rainbows" and have the 1D Fans Give logo on them. Proceeds from the bracelets will go to the charity drive for London Lesbian and Gay Switchboard in honor of Harry Styles' birthday. They are $7 each.

This is a pre-order. The bracelets should arrive 4/30 and will start shipping out the next day.


"78" Wristbands Available for Pre-Order to Support Louis' Birthday Drive for Eden Dora Trust

By popular demand, we've ordered Donny red and white wristbands that say 78 on them to support Louis' new record label, 78 Productions. All proceeds from the wristbands will go to our drive for Eden Dora Trust in honor of Louis' 24th birthday! You can get them at:


Wristbands should arrive in early May.  If you order multiple items in addition to a 78 wristband, I'll hold your order until the 78 wristbands come in.

Reminder: fundraiser in honur of International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia

RainbowDirection/TakeMeHomeFromNarnia have once again partnered with 1DFansGive to host a fundraiser in honour of International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia - IDAHOT Day on May 17th. In the spirit of this year's IDAHOT theme "Take Action for Youth", we selected an organization that has strong international links, works on LGBTQ+ youth issues in Africa--a majorly underserved area--and is yet small enough for our donations to make a real difference: the Rainbow International LGBT Activist Solidarity Fund.

How to get involved:

2.    Deck yourself out in gear from our Design Shops:

    US STORE: http://rainbowdirection.spreadshirt.com/

    UK STORE: http://rainbowdirection.spreadshirt.co.uk/

3.    Submit a design for the shops. (Can either be limited availability until Mar 17th, or a permanent offering; the choice is yours!)

Please keep in mind that we operate on a strict No-Shipping policy, so we cannot accept ship-related designs.

In order to have a digital image printed successfully on a product, your design must:

  • be saved as .png, .jpg, .bmp, or .gif

  • be at least 200 dpi

  • not be larger than 4000 x 4000 pixels

  • not be larger than 10 MB

You can also submit vector art, which will print on a greater range of products than digital art. Vecor art designs must:

  • be saved as .svg, .ai, .eps or .cdr

  • not be larger than 11″ x 11″ (28x28cm)

  • not have more than 3 colours, no gradients and no pixel graphics

  • have lines that are at least 1.5mm thick and no less than 1mm space between two lines

  • have all objects converted to curves and paths (including text)

Please submit your designs by either:


One Direction Girl Almighty Hand knit Stuffed Doll - Le

This is a hand knit doll to benefit our One Direction Girl Almighty charity drive for Women's Aid. All proceeds go to Women's Aid. This hand knit doll is inspired by Princess Leia. She is wearing a crown and is one of a kind! 


Harry the Frog and Louis the Hedgehog Auction

These handknit stuffed animals are inspired by One Direction's Harry Styles and Louis Tomlinson. Harry the Frog and Louis the Hedgehog want to come live with you!  They are handknit, about six inches tall and looking for a new home!  Note: While they are cute and cuddly, they are not toys and would not stand up to a childs play. Proceeds will benefit Harry's birthday charity drive for LLGS. This is a 5 day auction!


$5 Day for Zayn Malik's Birthday Charity Drive to Show Our Appreciation for Zayn

We're so sad Zayn has left 1D, but we understand he needs to do what's best for him. The charity drive for this year is still going to continue as planned (and we'll keep including Zayn as part of the drive as long as you guys want us to - once a 1D member, always a 1D member is my motto!). 

So, we're going to do a $5 day today to show our appreciation for Zayn. Show him how much he means to us by donating at least $5 (or 5 of your currency) and support The British Asian Trust. 


We've still got lots planned for Zayn's drive and all of that will continue as planned! 

We love you, Zayn! 

Rainbow Direction/TakeMeHomeFromNarnia & 1DFansGive present: The Rainbow Charity Drive

RainbowDirection/TakeMeHomeFromNarnia are once again partnering with 1DFansGive to host a fundraiser in honour of International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia - IDAHOT Day on May 17th.

In the spirit of this year’s  IDAHOT theme “Take Action for Youth”, we selected an organization that has strong international links, works on LGBTQ+ youth issues in Africa (a majorly underserved area), and is yet small enough for our donations to make a real difference: the Rainbow International LGBT Activist Solidarity Fund

The initial goal is $1705.15 for 17/05/2015. We intend to reach that by selling our merch, direct donations, a rainbow bear auction and more.

All the revenue from our spreadshirt sales (US Store & UK Design Shop) until 17 May will be donated: we welcome design submissions attakemehomefromnarnia@gmail.com

For direct donations via Paypal: hit the special button at the bottom of this post, or on the charity drive’s webpage. There you will also be able to keep track of our goal via the counter.

Keep an eye on both blogs for exciting challenges, including calls for designs, Rainbow Bear Missions, and regular financial updates. Our activities will be tracked with the #RDCD tag, which you can follow here.

Now, without further ado, we present to you: The Rainbow Direction Charity Drive Page!!

Goals for Eden

Goals may only be worth one point on the field, but each goal can mean so much more off the field during the 1Dfansgive pledge drive for the Eden Dora Trust!

1Dfansgivelouis is raising funds to provide training for adults working with children affected by Encephalitis and Acquired Brain Injury by putting together the Goals for Eden pledge drive to benefit the Eden Dora Trust.

How does it work?

For the Doncaster Rover’s Legends game featuring Louis Tomlinson on April 19, a donor has pledged to donate $10 for every goal Louis’ team scores and an additional $100 if Louis himself scores and invites you to join her and earn a chance to win an official Doncaster Rovers home jersey.

How do I pledge?

In order to participate just send an ask to 1dfansgivelouis detailing your pledge. Your pledge can be as little as a dollar a goal or five dollars if Louis’ team wins.  It’s entirely up to you!  Then, donate your pledge to www.justgiving.com/louis24 with the words “Goals for Eden” and include your tumblr name no later than April 26, 2015 to be entered in the drawing for the jersey.

What if I win?

If your name is chosen at random, you will be contacted by Amy, the founder of the 1dfansgive drives to provide your jersey size, preference for long or short sleeve, and address.  The donor will then order the shirt and have it delivered to your address.

So, get geared up for the big game, provide help to a worthy cause and earn a chance to win a Doncaster Rovers official home jersey!